FFM ROCK präsentiert:

Any Given Day
06.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Nothing But Thieves
12.02.25 - Frankfurt/M
The Devil Wears Prada
13.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Unleash The Archers
13.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
Paleface Swiss
20.02.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Brainstorm & Arion
27.02.25 - Aschaffenburg
06.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
07.03.25 - Frankfurt/M.
Animals As Leaders
10.03.20 - Frankfurt/M.

1. Verlosung:

Das ZOOM spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
DYNAZTY am 06.03.25 in Frankfurt/M.


2. Verlosung:

Der COLOS-SAAL spendiert 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für
BRAINSTORM am 27.02.25 in Aschaffenburg


HINAYANA - neue Single “Tempest Horizon” + Video

In celebration of their European tour with Insomnium and Omnium Gatherum beginning this week, today, Austin, Texas based melodic death metal unit HINAYANA have released a brand new single, entitled “Tempest Horizon”.


KAMELOT - "The Black Halo" als 20 Years Anniversary Format

Following the release of their latest full-length, the introspective, uplifting, vital The Awakening (#2 US Current Hard Music Albums, #27 Current Album Sales), and several international tours like their recent Awaken The World tour – which has become the band’s most successful and massive headline run in their 30+ year history – KAMELOT returns with their next enchanting surprise!


King Satan Tourstart mit Turmion Kätilöt

Industrial Metal heretics KING SATAN are about to kick off their recently announced European tour dates as direct support to the Finnish industrial metallers TURMION KÄTILÖT.


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