Portland-based psychedelic blackened doom/drone channellers, TAURUS -- featuring Stevie Floyd of Dark Castle and Ashley Spungin, formerly of Purple Rhinestone Eagle/Negative Queen -- are pleased to premiere a brand new hymn from their impending new long player, No/Thing.
The first mention of a band dated 1999 year, when a band named Valhalla started their rehearsals in a little town named Shilovo/Russia. Some months later the band changes name to Negative Voice. First rehearsal demos 'Spiritual Invadement' and 'Entrance To Eternity' were recorded in 2001, they was a mix of thrash\death and sympho black metal.
Living Fast is a heavy metal talk show created by Ryan Waste (Municipal Waste/Volture/BAT). The first episode, which debuted today, was filmed on January 18, 2014 and features John Gallagher of Raven! Relays Waste of the Living Fast's impetus:
SCHOTTISCHE FOLK-ROCKBAND RUNRIG VERÖFFENTLICHT JUBILÄUMSKONZERT „PARTY ON THE MOOR“ EXKLUSIVE KINO-PREVIEWS BEI UCI KINOWELT IN ANWESENHEIT DER BAND Im August des vergangenen Jahres feierten RUNRIG ihr 40. Bandjubiläum mit einem gigantischen Konzert vor der wild-romantischen Kulisse der schottischen Highlands nahe dem kleinen Örtchen Muir of Ord unweit von Inverness.