Neuer Track/Video von HESPERIA

Hesperia returns with the release of "La Grotta De La Sibilla Atto III: La Fuga/La Salvezza", a new single and video taken from the upcoming album "Fra Li Monti Sibillini (Black Medieval Winter Over The Sibylline Mounts)", out this Friday on CD, 2-LP and digital.

Inspired by the dark legends of the Sibylline Mounts in Italy, Hesperia fuses ‘90s Black Metal with medieval instrumentation and haunting atmospheres. This one-man project delves into the myths of witches, necromancers, and the mysterious Sibylla, capturing the spirit of ancient Italic history. Fra Li Monti Sibillini is a journey into darkness, offering an unflinching glimpse into the obscure past of central Italy.

Pre-order here:

Listen on Youtube:
Listen on Bandcamp:

Quelle: Sure Shot Worx

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