CYTOTOXIN - Video zu "Condemnesia" online

The German Death Metal Band, CYTOTOXIN, releases their new video “CONDEMNESIA” via Blood Blast Distribution.

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With their second standalone single CONDEMNESIA, the German radiation squad CYTOTOXIN underlines their instrumental skills as well as vocal variety and demonstrates convincingly that technical death metal can indeed be melodic and catchy. CONDEMNESIA sheds light on the victims of the Chernobyl incident who suffered from acute radiation sickness and describes the desperate and hopeless situation for affected individuals and physicians in the Soviet hospitals.

CYTOTOXIN - Condemnesia [Official Music Video]:

On the night of April 26, 1986, an explosion at the Chernobyl power plant changed the course of the world.

Inspired by this catastrophe, the German death metal band Cytotoxin emerged in 2010, bringing a new level of intensity to the genre. By fusing technical and brutal riffs while thematizing the devastating effects of the reactor disaster, they quickly drew attention in the scene. Their debut album, Plutonium Heaven (2011), was a self-produced powerhouse, followed by their second record, Radiophobia (2012), which secured them a three-album deal with American label Unique Leader Records.

Cytotoxin quickly gained a reputation for their explosive live performances and razor-sharp precision on their instruments. Their third album, Gammageddon (2017), solidified their place in the tech death community, while their fourth album, Nuklearth (2020), showcased their versatility and songwriting capabilities. Following numerous European tours and major festival shows, Cytotoxin just made their U.S. and Canadian debut in November 2024. Now, they are ready to conquer new territories with their two new singles Hope Terminator and Condemnesia in hand.

Keep your gas mask ready, as the radiation spreads across the globe!

LIVE 2025:
10.04.2025 Berlin Germany
11.04.2025 Magdeburg Germany
12.04.2025 Chemnitz Germany
13.04.2025 Hamburg Germany
14.04.2025 Hannover Germany
15.04.2025 Essen Germany
19.04.2025 Aalen Germany
20.04.2025 Lindau Germany
21.04.2025 Weinheim Germany
20.06.2025 MISE Open Air Germany


Quelle: Oktober Promotion

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