HERTA unterschreiben bei Lifeforce Records

Greek progressive metal outfit HERTA sign to Lifeforce Records.

Lifeforce Records is very happy to announce the signing of exciting new Greek progressive metal act HERTA (featuring NIGHTRAGE front man Konstantinos Togas) to its roster!

"Greetings everyone, we are Herta, and we play progressive metal!

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve signed with the legendary Lifeforce Records for the release of our debut album. Lifeforce has been home to iconic bands like Trivium, Heaven Shall Burn, Nightrage, Between the Buried and Me and many more.

We’re excited to join Lifeforce Records for our upcoming album "Crossing the Illusion". Stay tuned, as 2025 will bring new Herta music and lots of exciting content. Thank you all!" - comments the band

Watch out for the first single from the new album to be released very soon!

HERTA will be out on the road in February with Oathswan, Hiraeth and This Burning Day

5/2 ?? Plovdiv - @beebopcafe
6/2 ?? Bucharest - @encore.club
7/2 ?? Sibiu - @lovebarsibiu
8/2 ?? Timisoara - @m2event.venue.tm
9/2 ?? Budapest - @riffbudapest
11/2 ?? Szeged - @rockklubszeged
12/2 ??Sarajevo - @ag_club_sarajevo
13/2 ?? Belgrade - @klubfest
14/2 ?? Nis - @akcfuzznis
15/2 ?? Sofia - @clubmixtape5


Quelle: Lifeforce Records

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