Rylos - dritte Single vom kommenden Album

Finnish hard rock band Rylos has released doom metal flavored third single, Point Cut, from the upcoming album Signs of Life.

Point Cut delivers a dark and heavy track, portraying the harsh realities of working life while inspiring listeners to keep striving toward their dreams.
Mikko, the singer and founding member of Rylos, commented on the song: 'Point Cut is a track that hits hard live - it's an insanely powerful live song.

Rylos' fifth album, Signs of Life, will be released in February 2025

Check the lyric video: https://youtu.be/RR3GJNgZQm0

Listen to the single on music services (Spotify, Bandcamp, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal etc.): https://push.fm/fl/rylos-pointcut

Rylos (Official Website) www.rylosplanet.fi
Rylos Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rylosplanet
Rylos Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rylosplanet/
Rylos TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@rylosplanet


Quelle: Inverse Music Group

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