DISARMONIA MUNDI - neuer Track "Oathbreaker"

DISARMONIA MUNDI, a name synonymous with melodic death metal, has been captivating audiences worldwide since its inception in 2000.

Known for their intricate compositions, powerful vocals, and dynamic performances, the band has built a dedicated following. Today, after almost a decade of silence since their last release, during which they pursued various musical projects, DISARMONIA MUNDI returns with the intense new single, "Oathbreaker".

Listen to "Oathbreaker" HERE: https://music.suricatemusic.com/oathbreaker

"Oathbreaker" is the first single taken from DISARMONIA MUNDI's sixth forthcoming full-length album and is coming exactly nine years after the band's previously critically acclaimed "Cold Inferno" (2015). The new track is a relentless and powerful melodeath assault showcasing the band's trademark sound filled with crushing riffs, classic metal melodies, ruthless growly vocals by longtime screamer Claudio Ravinale opposed to the epic and melancholic vocal harmonies done by mastermind and producer Ettore Rigotti, and an overall gigantic wall of sound which returns the band to top form after all these years of silence.
In its five-plus minutes "Oathbreaker" confirms and consolidates the fame that the band has earned over the years as a leading standard-bearer of the purest uncompromising melodeath.

The theme covered in the lyrics revolves around the figure of the antihero who abandons what is commonly accepted even at the cost of becoming the antagonist. The song has been recorded and produced once again in Ettore Rigotti's own recording studio The Metal House and is once again released by the band's long time label Coroner Records.

With "Oathbreaker" DISARMONIA MUNDI have just kicked off the beginning of a brand new chapter. Be sure to follow the band online for more news and releases to follow in the weeks ahead!

Ettore Rigotti
Claudio Ravinale

For more info visit:

Quelle: ALL NOIR

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