THE BOTTLE DOOM LAZY BAND - neues Album veröffentlicht

French doom metallers THE BOTTLE DOOM LAZY BAND have released their highly anticipated new album, "Clans Of The Alphane Moon", via Sleeping Church Records.

Drawing inspiration from 1960s and 70s sci-fi culture, the band has crafted a mesmerizing sonic journey through space and time. With recurring riffs and unsettling leitmotifs connecting each track, "Clans Of The Alphane Moon" is a testament to the band's unique blend of heavy, psychedelic doom.

THE BOTTLE DOOM LAZY BAND _ Crawling End [Official Audio Stream]:

Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Guyome (Guillaume Béry) at The Cripple Room, the album boasts a rich and immersive sound. The captivating artwork, designed by Tetar (CHILDREN OF DOOM) and brought to life by Tos (BARABBAS, PRESUMPTION), perfectly complements the album's cosmic themes.

"Clans Of The Alphane Moon" is out now on Sleeping Church Records.
Purchase your copy HERE:

1. Ride The Leviathans
2. Crawling End
3. To The Solar System
4. Castle Made Of Corpses
5. The Technosorcerer
6. Flames Of Sagitarius
7. The Dying Earth

Guyome - drums
Opyat - guitar
Bottleben - vocals
Hemreich - bass
Pierre - guitar

For more info visit:

Quelle: ALL NOIR

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