APOSTASIE kündigen Debütalbum an, Lyric Video Premiere

German melodic black metallers APOSTASIE proudly announce their debut album "Non Est Deus", set for release on November 29th 2024 in cooperation with Trollzorn Records.

A lyric video for the track "Theotókos" has been premiered at this location: https://youtu.be/hQm2z-ocqMw

APOSTASIE play melodic black metal with historical and atheist themes. In their first album "Non Est Deus", they narrate the "Historia Ecclesiastica Perversa" - the madness of dogmas, and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. The album discusses events in the so-called Christian "history of salvation", the Latin-Roman church history, as well as the closely related European history. These events and processes are staged as moments of religious madness, dogmatic contradiction and, at the same time, rational criticism and resistance. The events described cover the period from the so-called "turning point of time", i.e. the birth of Christ, to the so-called Reformation of the Latin-Roman church by Martin Luther.

1. Intro
2. Non est Deus
3. Theotókos
4. Isapóstolos
5. Eikon
6. Blut schreit Palästina
7. Pein, Pest
8. Ich, Novus Alexander
9. Es ist kein Gott

Hrabanus - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar
Batseba - Hurdy-Gurdy, Vocals
Melior Pars - Electric Guitar
Sanior Pars - Electric Guitar, Background Vocals
Despotis - Bass Guitar
Holofernes - Drums

Live 2024 / 2025:
29.11.24 - Live Music Hall, Weiher / Album Release Gig
30.11.24 - M8 Club, Mainz
07.12.24 - Haus der Begegnung, Bruchsal
10.01.25 - Metbar, Lenzburg
08.03.25 - Live Music Hall, Weiher
06.06.25 - Devils Covenant Fest, Schwedt



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