After the departure of singer Frank Breuninger, TIMELESS RAGE found a more than adequate replacement with powerhouse singer Nicolaj Ruhnow (ex-TOKYO BLADE, ex-DOMAIN).

2023 the new recording of OCEAN TWILIGHT, taken from the album UNTOLD, with Nicolaj on vocals was thrown into the ring, Today, October 4th, we released the first new TIMELESS RAGE song with Nicolaj. THE DEVIL’S MASQUERADE impressively shows that there is only one direction for the band, upwards, in the Symphonic Power Metal sky! Stay tuned for more!!!

THE DEVIL'S MASQUERADE on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwhPypIPx-E
THE DEVIL'S MASQUERADE Smartlink: https://timelessrage.spread.link/the-devils-masquerade

Mix & mastering: Markus Teske, Bazement Musikproduktion
Video realized by Michael Vetter / Menschbilder Photo-Art

THE DEVIL'S MASQUERADE is available on YouTube and all relevant digital platforms since October 4th. The video was realized by Menschbilder Photo-Art.

Nicolaj Ruhnow – Vocals
Anna Keil – Keyboards, backing vocals
Michael Benk – Guitar, backing vocals
Christian Pirch – Guitar, backing vocals
Matthias Dold – Bass, backing vocals
Klaus Buchfink – Drums

Get in touch with TIMELESS RAGE here:

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The home of Darkstorm Records and Yellow Muffin Records.

Quelle: Metalapolis Records

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