SOUND DELIVERY veröffentlichen Debütalbum am 15.11.24

Gothenburg, Sweden based Hard Rock group SOUND DELIVERY will release their debut album "Sound Delivery" on November 15th, 2024 via Square Shaped Records!

The band around singer & guitarist Jack L. Stroem (Squared) has released three singles & videos in advance:
Just Like Fire:
Cold Heart:

Despite hailing from a small town outside Sweden's metal capital Gothenburg, the trio Sound Delivery dares to strip the music back a couple of steps to further explore the limits of a trio playing Hard rock.

Sound Delivery started as most rock groups of days passed started out, with a couple of jams in a garage. After collecting a small wealth of riffs and chords to sing over, the group was ready to record in Jack’s studio. Their decision to record everything live together came out of necessity for the extended instrumental sections and dynamic playing, eye contact being important.

Not only was the album recorded in 3 days, but due to the extreme flow and sheer joy of playing music another 4 songs were written during the recording session making the recording into a full length album.
But fret not, even if the music was fast to write it retains the same power and fierceness you’d expect from a power trio.
Both on stage and in the studio Sound Delivery is a force to be reckoned with.

Sound Delivery - Sound Delivery
Cry Wolf
How Long?
Just Like Fire
Live, Love, Laugh
Cold Heart
Voices From the Sky
It’s Dark Down Below
Life Ain’t Always Fair (Bonus track on physical releases)

All music written by Jack L. Stroem, Waldemar Skoglund & Johan Åberg
All Lyrics written by Jack L. Stroem

Sound Delivery is:
Jack L. Stroem - Lead Vocals, Guitars & Synthesizer
Waldemar Skoglund - Bass
Johan Åberg - Drums

Mixed and Mastered by Jack L. Stroem
Physical distribution by Square Shaped Records
Digital distribution by Wolf Entertainment

Sound Delivery’s debut album is set for a worldwide release November 15 2024

Catalog numbers:
Sound Delivery CD - Sound Delivery - SQ02
Sound Delivery - Sound Delivery Cassette - SQ02-2

Contact & Links:

Quelle: GerMusica PR

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