Escuela Grind veröffentlichen Video zu "Toothless"

Die Metal-Band Escuela Grind aus Massachusetts wird am 18. Oktober ihre neue LP "Dreams on Algorithms" über MNRK Heavy (High on Fire, Slomosa) veröffentlichen.

Aufgenommen im GodCity-Studio in Salem, Massachusetts, mit Kurt Ballou von Converge und gemastert von Nick Townsend (Dr. Dre, Betty Davis), ist die Platte der mit Spannung erwartete Nachfolger des gefeierten 2022er-Debütalbums „Memory Theater“ von Escuela Grind, einer Platte, die von der New York Times als „ein Werk der Extreme“ gepriesen wurde. „Dreams on Algorithms“ kann hier vorbestellt/gespeichert werden:

Heute veröffentlichen Escuela Grind den neuen, mitreißenden Track „Toothless“ und das dazugehörige Video, das von Seby X Martinez für Negative Kitty (Body Count, [adult swim]) gedreht wurde. Mit „Toothless“ liefern Escuela Grind einen druckvollen Mortician-meets-Celtic-Frost-Track, während Sängerin Katerina Economou ruft: "It would feel better to fail than never to be tested".

Stream „Toothless“ von Escuela Grind HIER:

Über den Albumtitel 'Dreams on Algorithms' sagt Economou: "We wanted to write an album that identifies what it’s like to consume in this era we live in: what we receive through our phones, the social media landscape, personalized algorithms, and how it is translated by our subconscious. I think most people can relate to something in their online sphere infecting their dreams. This transfer was something we really wanted to expand on, and all of the songs have themes relating to dream analysis and technology."

Escuela Grind hat kürzlich ein Video zur Single "Concept of God" präsentiert. Zum Titel sagt die Band: "'Concept of God' is about the chaos that ensues when humans come together; the good and bad things that happen when opposites and like-minded individuals attract. The main lyrics in the song are, “the concept of god only exists because of people". Das Video zu "Concept of God" gibt es HIER:

„Dreams on Algorithms“ wird ebenfalls durch die neue Single + Video „Turbulence“ vorangetrieben, die klare Vocals in einem Ohrwurm-Refrain präsentiert – eine Premiere für Escuela Grind – ohne dabei auf ungezügelte Brutalität zu verzichten. Das Video zu „Turbulence“ unter der Regie von Michael Jari Davidson (Alice In Chains) kann hier gestreamt werden:

"I had the idea for the "Turbulence" title during a plane ride where I thought I was actually gonna die," so Escuela Grinds Jesse Fuentes. "My mind was fixated on landing and playing the next show. It helped me cope, and then it kept happening on a couple of flights after that. My last in-person conversation with Napalm Death's Shane Embury was very emotional; he suggested we add clean vocals after he overheard Katerina doing some clean singing on the tour bus (after shows, on our winter 2023 European tour with NxDx, everyone would sing along together. it really was magical). The vocal hook and melody on "Turbulence" was created a day before vocals were to be recorded at GodCity. We took that airplane experience, and wrote some straightforward, but meaningful lyrics."

"It will be immediately obvious when you first hear this song that it is a departure for us," erklärt Economou. "We wanted to take a risk with "Turbulence", and after performing so many live shows over the last year we were ready to compile all that influence. The clean singing may take some people off-guard coming from a grind/hardcore band, but after touring with Napalm Death, we realized we wanted to incorporate that aspect into our music in a similar way. We definitely wanted a grungy, catchy chorus to sing at all of our upcoming festival appearances, and I hope the fans like the song as much as we do"
Die erste Single aus „Dreams on Algorithms“ ist „Always Watching You“, dessen Video an dieser Stelle gestreamt werden kann:

“Most of "Always Watching You" was written in a practice space by Jesse and Krissy, and refined during soundchecks we had over the year," erläutert Economou. "I've had this desire to write a song where I could portray the obsessive-stalker-girl archetype through lyrics for a while. Although not physically threatening, it's really interesting that society is so terrified of this stereotype. In "Always Watching You", I wanted this fantastical, Nightmare on Elm Street-style imagery that was rooted in the gore and horror of death metal. Themes of parasocial relationships, anxieties from social media, and an omnipresent algorithm are strongly observed in this song and throughout the entire album."

'Dreams on Algorithms' track listing:
1.) DOA
2.) Always Watching You
3.) Constant Passenger
4.) Moral Injury
5.) Concept of God
6.) Animus Multiform
7.) Scorpion
8.) Planned Obsolescence
9.) Toothless
10.) Turbulence

Das eindrucksvolle Cover-Artwork von AC Tremblay lässt die inhärente Kraft und thematische Tiefe von „Dreams on Algorithms“ erahnen. "We have collaborated with the incredible AC Tremblay once more to create this vision of 'Dreams on Algorithms', sagt die Band. "We wanted a similar expression as our last album, but with a different color palette. The art of Kurt Seligmann, Bauhaus theater sets, Nightmare on Elm Street, Eiko Ishioka, and the Cremaster Cycle were source materials of inspiration for this visual storytelling. The amount of detail and attention that AC Tremblay pays to his drawing is what we love most about working with him. You’ll be able to find many Easter eggs from the album's lyrics within the artwork. We’re still finding new details."

Quelle: Oktober Promotion

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