APEP - voller Album Stream zum Release am 13.09.24

Shortly before the official release on September 13th 2024 via War Anthem Records, German Death Metallers APEP will premiere their new full-length "Before Whom Evil Trembles" in its entirety.

Keep an eye on it and listen to full album here: https://youtu.be/sdCfMl3xvDc

The record release show will take place at Club Seilerstrasse / Zwickau on September 14th together with Sinister & more: https://www.facebook.com/events/375890468841027

Founded in 2016, APEP deliver technical yet undeniably catchy Death Metal tunes. Thematically based in Egyptian mythology and Lovecraftism, their sophomore full-length "Before Whom Evil Trembles" persuades with hammering drums, cutting guitars and multifaceted vocals. It features a cover artwork by renowned Italian artist Paolo Girardi and was mixed and mastered by Christoph Brandes at Iguana Studios.

This is a must-have for fans of Nile, Immolation and Vital Remains!

Ordering options : https://www.cudgel.de +++ https://war-anthem-records.bandcamp.com +++ https://apep.bandcamp.com

1. Enslaving the Putrefied Remnants of the Deceased
2. The Pillars of Betrayal >>> Track Stream: https://youtu.be/MdM9MVn1-t4
3. Tombs of Eternity
4. Wanderers in the Waste
5. Before Whom Evil Trembles (Goddess of Carnage) >>> Lyric Video: https://youtu.be/kM0J4ml2-3k
6. The Breath of Kheti
7. Swallowed by Silent Sands

C. Fleckeisen - Vocals
O. Pikowski - Guitars
P. Kühn - Guitars
M. Friedrich - Drums



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