TAYNE - neue Single & live beim Reeperbahn Festival
Die Londoner Band und Liebhaber von allem, was schön und chaotisch ist - Tayne - veröffentlichen ihre neue Single "Down“ aus ihrem kommenden Debütalbum.
Matthew Sutton (Vocals / Bass): “We wanted to take Tayne into a new territory that felt modern and give it more pop sensibilities. “Down” embodies the core theme of the album, love is conflict.
‘Our lust for hurt is love’s metaphor’ - desires of love and acceptance destroyed by intimidation, make us fake, afraid, lie and cause pain”
Tayne - Down (Official Music Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eORG6Mnyl2s
"Down" ist das erste Video einer Trilogie, in der Leif Johnson, ein Mitglied des Londoner Videokollektivs NEWD, mit seiner visuellen Erzählung durch die Musik führt.
Leif: “The story behind the three Tayne music videos was so compelling and unique. As a director, I'm interested in people and stories, as well as beautiful compelling aesthetics. The themes explored within Tayne songs come from a real story that has multiple angles, through the point of view of Matthew Sutton and his experiences as the son of a gay father at a time in Ireland. All this when Irish laws prohibited homosexuality, the personal and political struggles for both the LGBTQ+ community as well as their families. It's important to remember how far we have come and how all camps should work and collaborate for wider understanding, acceptance and ultimately love. Growing up as the older loving brother to a lesbian sister, I was very close and in-tune with her journey from being the my sweet little sis who felt detached from the world, to the strong woman she is today. I feel it's also important to have the understanding and patience needed to educate people as the world evolves around them”
Sutton fügt hinzu, “The artwork and music videos leaned into telling a story based on my own fathers conflicts with love. My dad being a family man, married with kids and then realizing he was Gay, coming out, navigating those tribulations and transforming his life and finding love and acceptance again. The 3 acts of the story were broken into each individual video. The Conflict, The Transformation & The Acceptance / Celebration.
Down examines my dads “conflict” in love, the focus in this case deals with his sexuality. Being married in a heterosexual relationship but understanding the reality of being gay man is a big conflict. I can’t imagine the tension and angst that must’ve brought. My whole existence stems from a massive conflict in love, that of my mom and dads relationship it’s really profound but I’m very grateful for it”
STREAM / DOWNLOAD ‘DOWN’: https://fanlink.tv/taynedown
"Down" wurde von Tayne und ihrem langjährigen Partner Wayne Adams (Green Lung, Pet Brick) co-produziert und ist eine von mehreren Kollaborationen mit so unterschiedlichen Künstlern wie Jesu, Mastiff, Katie Kim & Poisonous Birds.
Freitag, 20. Sep.: Headcrash, Hamburg (Reeperbahn Festival) - 20:00-20:35
Matthew Sutton (Vocals / Bass)
Tom Hancock (Guitar)
Paul Traveller (Drums)
Quelle: Oktober Promotion