Orphaned Land kündigen Europa Tour an

Die Oriental-Metal-Pioniere Orphaned Land haben viel vor: Am 31. August nahm Gründer und Sänger Kobi Fahri an der 11. Verleihung der Metal Hammer Awards in Berlin teil, wo Orphaned Land für ihr Engagement und ihren Einsatz für ein friedliches Zusammenleben aller Religionen und Kulturen den Preis für die „Best Attitude“ gewann.

Die verdiente Auszeichnung steht für den Beitrag, den die Band im Laufe der Jahre für den Frieden geleistet hat. Orphaned Land steht außerdem kurz vor ihrer nächsten großen Headline-Tour mit 32 Stopps bis zum Ende des Jahres.

Oriental Metal pioneers Orphaned Land have quite busy times ahead: On August 31st founder and singer Kobi Fahri joined the Metal Hammer Awards for their 11th edition in Berlin, Germany where Orphaned Land won the award for “Best Attitude” for their engagement and commitment to a peaceful coexistence of all religions and cultures. The well-deserved award marks the band’s contribution towards peace throughout the years. Orphaned Land is also about to embark on their next big headline tour with 32 stops until the end of the year.

Kobi Farhi, singer and founder of Orphaned Land, shares about the award and the upcoming tour:
“The past year had been and still is one of the hardest Orphaned Land ever known, being in the middle of war, surrounded by so much death and hate, we are so happy and thankful MH had given us this award, it was right on time where depression was and still so huge, it is what we needed, to get a bit of light right back at us, and belief on what we do and on our long way of 33 years already. We can't wait to hit the roads and meet our beloved fans after such a long time! Make sure you check all dates and come so a heaven we may create together!”

Orphaned Land will start their long-anticipated Europe Tour this September. Joined by Science of Disorder, Nest of Plagues, Lone Survivor (11.-18.09), and Structural (18. - 29.09), the band will have an intense run with 17 stops throughout the month. The September run will cover stops in Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Holland.

Orphaned Land + Science of Disorder + Nest of Plagues + Lone Survivor* + Structural*
*Structural from 11-09 till 18-09
*Lone Survivor from 18-09 till 29-09

Wednesday 11-09 Germany, Kubana - Siegburg
Thursday 12-09 Germany, Faust - Hannover
Friday 13-09 Germany, Hellraiser - Leipzig
Saturday 14-09 Poland, Zascianek - Krakow
Sunday 15-09 Poland, Hydrozagadka - Warsaw
Tuesday 17-09 Bulgaria, Mixed Tape 54 - Sofia
Wednesday 18-09 Romania, Quantic - Bucharest
Friday 20-09 Czech Republic, Futurum - Praha
Saturday 21-09 Slovakia, Coloseum - Kosice
Sunday 22-09 Slovakia, Randal - Bratislava
Monday 23-09 Germany, Backstage - München
Tuesday 24-09 Germany, Mergener HofTrier
Wednesday 25-09 Germany, Logo - Hamburg
Thursday 26-09 Holland, Neushoorn - Leeuwarden
Friday 27-09 Germany, Bastard Club - Osnabrück
Saturday 28-09 Germany, Gebäude 9 - Köln
Sunday 29-09 Germany, Café Central - Weinheim

Orphaned Land will also be joining the “Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2024”, alongside Motocultor, Dirty Shirt, Strale, Ring of Gyges, and Royal Rage, on several tour dates towards the end of the year with additional stops in Holland, Germany, the UK, France, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal.

Motocultor Across Europe Tour 2024
Orphaned Land + Dirty Shirt + Strale + Ring of Gyges + Royal Rage

Thursday 28-11 Holland, Effenaar - Eindhoven
Friday 29-11 Germany, Turock - Essen
Saturday 30-11 UK, Underworld - London
Sunday 01-12 UK, Academy 3 - Manchester
Tuesday 03-12 France, Petit Bain - Paris
Thursday 05-12 Suisse, Z7 - Pratteln
Friday 06-12 France, Le Grillen - Colmar
Saturday 07-12 France, L’Ilyade - Grenoble
Sunday 08-12 Spain, Razzmataz 2 - Barcelona
Tuesday 10-12 Portugal, Hard Club - Porto
Wednesday 11-12 Portugal, Ao Vivo - Lisboa
Thursday 12-12 Spain, Urban - Vitoria
Friday 13-12 France, Rex - Toulouse
Saturday 14-12 France, Le Ferrailleur - Nantes
Sunday 15-12 France, The Black Lab - Lille

Stream & Buy Orphaned Land’s music here:

Orphaned Land are
Kobi Farhi – Lead Vocals
Uri Zelcha – Bass
Chen Balbus - Guitars, Keyboards, Saz, Oud, Backing Vocals
Matan Shmuely – Drums, Percussion
Idan Amsalem - Guitars, Bouzouki, Backing Vocals

Official Website: https://orphaned-land.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/orphaned_land_official
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@orphaned.land
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrphanedLandOfficial
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7xTMxqAmbtE0Nce5lz7t0h
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/orphaned-land/18243552
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/orphanedland

Quelle: Oktober Promotion