Neue Single von Transport League

Transport League's new single "Primate Apeshit" is a thunderous blast of heavy grooves and primal energy.

With its ferocious riffs and relentless rhythm, the track channels the raw power of classic metal with a modern twist. The band describes the song as an invitation to a wild celebration, stating, "The raw groove of this song invites you all to this feast." "Primate Apeshit" is a fierce anthem that captures the essence of Transport League's signature sound, offering a no-holds-barred experience for fans of heavy music.

Alongside the release of "Primate Apeshit," Transport League has dropped a captivating lyric video that brings the track's intensity to life. The video enhances the song's powerful message, allowing fans to immerse themselves fully in the raw energy and primal themes that define the single.



Quelle: Sure Shot Worx

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