Odyrmos kündigen neue EP an

After two years of silence since the selftitled second full length album of Odyrmos, the greek black metal act strikes again with a brand new EP called “The Neverending Journey”.

Two new tracks exploring another dimension of black metal compared to the previous albums of the band. More traditional, more straightforward and with an old-fashioned sound overall. Vocals and lyrics here are held by the first singer of the band, Alan Brucke.
“The Neverending Journey” EP will be released later this year by Dragefjellet Records in CD format.

1.Black Flames
2.The Neverending Journey

Andrew Tsekrekos: All Instruments Alan Brucke: Vocals and Lyrics

Eternal Sleep EP – 2020 – Depressive Illusions Records
The Brightest Light – 2021 – BMC Records
Odyrmos – 2022 – Belfry Records
The Neverending Journey EP – Dragefjellet Records


Quelle: Odyrmos

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