RAY OF LIGHT - Video zu "Falling To Pieces" online

It´s been a long way and it felt like an eternity - but here it is ! We are more than proud to present you our first official video clip "FALLING TO PIECES".

The first lines of the song probably describe it best: "How does it feel when your life´s been shattered, pick up the pieces - form a new horizon"...

It literally was the much quoted "blood sweat and tears" until we got to this point, most of you might know what happend a couple of years ago, Robby Boebel our band mate and long time friend passed away. When this happend we could neither imagine to be emotionally able to finish the album nor to shoot a video. More than a year has passed until we started to work with Joerg "Warthy" Wartmann. The collaboration turned out to be more than fruitful, not only in terms of music but also interpersonally.

This particular video clip means a lot to us, it is a farewell to Robby and we think he would be proud of how the song turned out as well as about the visual aspect of the clip. This way he´ll forever remain as a part of this band and for sure he´ll be forever in our hearts.

Falling to Pieces pretty much reflects the DNA of RAY OF LIGHT, it´s a guitar driven and powerful but still melodic song and it carries the message whatever happens - follow your mission and most importantly your heart, life is not only a bright shining light, sometimes there is darkness and it´s always easier to surrender, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel - CARRY ON !

Robby, this one is for you, where ever you are - we hope you would like it and we could make you proud.

More songs are to come very soon! The album entitled SALUTE will be released later this year

Gregg Cromack - Vocals
Stephan Bayerlein - Drums
Thomas "Hutch" Bauer - Bass
Joerg "Warthy" Wartmann - Guitar

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here is the link to pre-save and download "Falling to Pieces"


Video by Chris Guethlein, additional video footage filmed by Evelina Bayerlein & Kai Brocks

Quelle: Ray Of Light

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