ZETRA - Video zur Single 'Suffer Eternally'

With just over a month until the release of ZETRA's self-titled debut album on the 13th September, via Nuclear Blast Records, the enigmatic duo have revealed the video for their latest single, 'Suffer Eternally'.

The video arrives alongside a message from ZETRA that reads:
"Believers come forth.
Bathe in holy light.
We are dragged kicking and screaming into this world.
Fated to fall into a cycle that never ends.
We were born to suffer,

Watch the video for 'Suffer Eternally' now at: https://youtu.be/PJKOi71pu3I

Pre-order and pre-save Zetra now at: https://zetra.bfan.link/zetra

Experience ZETRA in the flesh throughout this year at the below dates.
Aug 16th - ArcTanGent Festival - Bristol, UK
Oct 11th - Soulcrusher - Nijmegen, NL†
Oct 12th - Melkweg - Amsterdam, NL†
Oct 13th - Bürgerhaus Stollwerck - Cologne, DE†
Oct 15th - O2 Institute - Birmingham, UK†
Oct 16th - Rebellion - Manchester, UK†
Oct 17th - The Garage - Glasgow, UK†
Oct 18th - Opium - Dublin, IE†
Oct 19th - O2 Academy - Liverpool, UK†
Oct 20th - O2 Academy Islington - London, UK†
Oct 22nd - La Machine Du Moulin Rouge - Paris, FR†
Oct 23rd - Gaswerk Kulturzentrum - Winterthur, CH†
Oct 24th - Backstage Halle - Munchen, DE†
Oct 25th - Szene - Vienna, AT†
Oct 27th - Fuchs2 - Prague, CZ†
Oct 28th - Progresja - Warsaw, PL†
Oct 29th - UT Connewitz - Leipzig, DE†
Oct 30th - Hole 44 - Berlin, DE†

*supporting CREEPER
†supporting HEALTH

Quelle: Nuclear Blast

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