ELLENDE - neuer Track & Tour Daten veröffentlicht

2nd single taken from the upcoming album "Todbringerin" to be released on 30th August 2024 via AOP Records.

Ellende - Ballade auf den Tod (Official Track 2024): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NSms1ws4wQ

AOP Records lim.99 vinyl (EU-Shop) https://shop.aoprecords.de

Ellende lim.99 vinyl https://ellende.bandcamp.com/music


ELLENDE, referring to the middle high German word for "being out of one’s country" portrays the vision of Austrian multi-instrumentalist L.G. with an oeuvre of five full-length albums and eight releases in total since 2011. His ambitions in atmospheric and ambient black metal have expressed human failure, pure emotion and beauty for over a decade. Through a subtle incorporation of classic instrumentation such as strings, brass and piano ELLENDE often exceeds boundaries of what is considered black metal.

This project played more than 100 shows in over 20 countries as a live formation with session musicians. They were invited to prestigious festivals like Ragnarök Festival, Brutal Assault or Party San Open Air. Ellende reached official chartpositions in Austra (21) and Germany (31, 94) with the last two albums and now releases a new one with "Todbringerin", a re-recorded and re-arranged version of 2016 album "Todbringer".

Music written in 2014-2016. Re-recorded through L.G. and Klangschmiede Studio E in 2023. Mixed and mastered by Klangschmiede Studio E in 2023. Artwork inspired by “Het Melkmeisje” (1659) by Johannes Vermeer, oilpainting by L.G. alias “Farbbringer” in 2023-2024 in Graz, Austria. Music, Lyrics, Studioinstruments, Arrangements, Artworks & Design by L.G., Studiodrums by P.F.

ELLENDE on tour:
Ellende + Groza + Servant - Scherben Tour 2024 Tourdaten
02.10.24 Backstage München, München
03.10.24 Turock, Essen
04.10.24 Kronensaal, Hamburg
05.10.24 Badehaus Szimpla, Berlin
06.10.24 Stengade, Kopenhagen
18.10.24 Blauer Salon, Dresden, Dresden

Quelle: Sure Shot Worx

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