Rabies mit neuer Single "Quitters"

"Quitters" is a song that questions the idea that you have to keep pushing to be a winner.

It’s about being okay with taking your own time and not always finishing first, focusing on the effort and the experience rather than just winning. The lyrics reflect personal struggles and a wish to be stronger. But more importantly, the song is about staying loyal to those you care about and never giving up on them, no matter what. It ends on a positive note, celebrating the simple act of getting up each day and appreciating being alive.

Presave Link to the single: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/rabies/quitters

About Rabies:
We are RABIES, a skate-punk band that has been tearing up the music scene for more than a decade. Our journey has been truly packed with experiences - from sharing stages with giants like BILLY TALENT (CAN), ANTI-FLAG (USA), BOUNCING SOULS(USA), THE WILHELM SCREM(USA), LAGWAGON (USA), IGNITE (USA), DOG EAT DOG (USA), EVERGREEN TERRACE (CAN), MUTE (CAN), to a five-time appearance at MIGHTY SOUNDS, the key ska-punk-reggae-hardcore festival in Central Europe! In 2018, we released our LP ANARKIDS!, which appeared on 12” vinyl as well as on all major streaming platforms, all under the auspices of Melodic Punk Style (PL). In March 2019, we ticked off a tour in Japan - an incredible adventure and cooperation with the RNR Tourbooking agency. In 2020, we planned to circle South America - Peru, Chile, Argentina, but then came COVID. However, at Punkrock Holiday 2.1 in Slovenia, we played and enjoyed the festival with BAD RELIGION as the main headliner. In 2022, we hit the road with our latest LP SOMETHING TASTY!, again on 12” vinyl and on all major streaming platforms. We supported all this with concerts in France, Austria, and Germany. In 2024, we are planning a new album where we will kick off our touring.

Live dates:
14.9. (Brno/CZ) celebration of 15yrs of the band: Skywalker, Denoi

Quelle: Jo! PR

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