GREY SKIES FALLEN: No Clean Singing Premieres New Track From NYC-Area Dark Metal Act

As New York City-area-based black/death metal quintet, GREY SKIES FALLEN, prepares to release their The Many Sides of Truth LP late this April, the band today releases the album's opening track, "Ritual Of The Exiter."

Thundering with nearly ten minutes of GREY SKIES FALLEN's dynamic musical elements crushing into each other like ominous storm systems converging, the band merges their broad range of influences into this mammoth album-opening funeral hymn. Metal webzine, No Clean Singing, is now hosting a stream of "Ritual Of The Exiter," just a segment of the detailed write-up accompanying the song depicting, "The song is anchored by a really good rhythm section, with both the bass and the drums getting their hooks into you. But the bleak melodic motifs in the music are the key to its success, along with the vocals, which are both clean and agonizing. Genre boundaries are ignored, with elements of doom, prog, black metal, and melodic death metal in the mix."

Explore the "Ritual Of The Exiter" now playing alongside the album's previously-released track "Of the Ancients" RIGHT HERE.

GREY SKIES FALLEN will, as with their five previous studio works, independently release The Many Sides of Truth on multiple formats April 29th, with preorders for the CD and digital versions HERE, and the LP version in three color schemes -- standard black, colored/splattered, and glow-in-the-dark -- available HERE.

Since 1997, GREY SKIES FALLEN has kept a constant flame burning since inception, their brooding and scathing blend of black, death and doom metal continually morphing and evolving. With a revamped lineup since previous releases, the band now prepares to release their most diverse and honed works to date on The Many Sides of Truth. The fourth collection of works the band has recorded with Keith Moore at his Audio Playground in Patchogue, New York, the album packs a wealth of crushing cross-genre dynamics into a thirty-eight minute opus. The album also features two alternate versions of the cover artwork and layouts by Travis Smith.
Quelle: Earsplit PR

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