Chuck Norris Experiment News - March 2014

Swedish Chuck Norris Experiment releases their 6:th studio album on March 26.  
Pre-order the limited C.N.E "Right Between The Eyes"packages!

The new Chuck Norris Experiment album "Right Between The Eyes" will be released by Swedish label Transubstans Records on March 26, 2014 and now you get the chance to pre-order the special limited packages/bundles and have them shipped on the day of the release.

Go to, and choose from a bunch of different packages/bundles.
All orders gets a free download of the full album + a signed band photo + a sticker.

* Digipak CD
* Digipak CD + T-shirt
* Digipak CD + T-shirt + CNE army belt
* Black vinyl
* Red Vinyl
* Red Vinyl + T-shirt
* Red Vinyl + T-shirt + CNE army belt

Upcoming live shows!
April 10, 2014 - FZW, Dortmund (Biershcinken Festival) (DE)
April 11, 2014 - NVA Club, Ludwigsfelde (DE)
April 12, 2014 - East Club, Bischofswerda (DE) w/TEGL

The first single from the album "Black Leather" is up for streaming on Spotify, Amazon, Soundcloud and YouTube:

For more information visit:

Quelle: Chuck Norris Experiment News

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