Coldwar Unveil New Album 'Pantheist' Artwork

Today Irish hardcore death metal punks Coldwar unveil cover art for the eagerly awaited fifth album ‘Pantheist’, which will be released via Candlelight Records on 28th April 2014.

"Sean Fitzgerald done the artwork for 'Pantheist'" explains Coldwar guitarist Paul Nash. "The artwork on the album has a symbolic meaning to the subject matter throughout the album". The darkness of the soul, esoteric symbology, natural evil, scrutinization of the irregularity of the Gregorian calendar, the meltdown crisis point at which capitalist society presently finds itself, and the possible final gasp of our current ‘material age’, to pave way for a potential revolutionary shift in values-consciousness for a jaded humanity. These are some of the varied concepts with which Coldwar lyrically engage on 'Pantheist'.

'Pantheist' Tracklist'
Heart Of Darkness
Ether Child
Mazu Awakens
13th Moon
The Falcon Cannot Hear The Falconer
Consciousness Paralysis
Abandonment Of Being
Last Days Of The 4th Sun

Listen To Album Opening Track 'Heart Of Darkness'

'Pantheist' is out 28th April 2014 via Candlelight Records.

Quelle: Future PR

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