THE DRIP: Seattle Grindcore Squad Signs With Relapse

Relapse Records this week confirms the label signing of blistering grindcore quartet, THE DRIP, releasing an arsenal of details on the band's debut recording for the label.

Based out of Washington State, THE DRIP unloads a belittling, ravenous style of high-potency grind, having taken cues from the forefathers of the genre like Napalm Death and Brutal Truth yet contemporizing their approach to put them on par with Nasum, Rotten Sound, Insect Warfare and the like. Several independent EPs found the band reaping accolades from US press outlets like Operation Grindcore, who stated, "If you like your grindcore, metallic and overflowing with seething aggression, then THE DRIP should please you for quite some time," and Headbang or GTFO, who called the band's style, "Furious gut stabbing grind that pummels your anus until it collapses on the floor." THE DRIP now brings their ferocious, blasting arts to the Relapse roster with the release of their label debut, A Presentation of Gruesome Poetics. A relentless, skull-crushing, pissed off, high-energy, blast-riddled explosion of violence, the EP rips through six tracks in barely twelve minutes, the first release to be fully recorded at Audiosiege in Portland by Joel Grind (Toxic Holocaust), after which it was mastered by Brad Boatright (Tragedy, From Ashes Rise, Integrity).

Collectively stated the members of THE DRIP on signing with Relapse; "We are proud to be a part of Relapse Records and their amazing roster of bands. It's quite an honor being label mates with some of our favorite artists, and even more exciting to be releasing our album, A Presentation Of Gruesome Poetics. It is our strongest material to date, and it's ready to be unleashed to the metal scene. We look forward to 2014 and what it brings."

Relapse will transport A Presentation of Gruesome Poetics to humans in North America on April 15th preceded by its April 11the release in Germany and Benelux and April 14th release in the UK and rest of the world. The EP will see release on CD, digital and LP delivery, the first press of the vinyl to bear a totally sick etching on the B-side.

The second track from A Presentation of Gruesome Poetics, the ravenous "Rise To Failure," has been released and is now playing HERE.

A Presentation of Gruesome Poetics Track Listing:
1. Catalyst
2. Rise To Failure
3. Bygones Only Burn Once
4. Black Screen
5. Siren
6. Lash In, Lash Out

THE DRIP has terrorized clubs and squats across the Northwest, sharing the stage with everyone from major regional acts like Black Breath, Poison Idea, Theories and Bone Sickness as well as acts touring through the Northwest including now labelmates Revocation, Dying Fetus, Primitive Man and others. With a steady supply of shows always being confirmed regionally, the band will take their assault beyond the Northwest on a two-week West Coast tour this Summer and more.

4/23/2014 The Hop - Spokane, WA w/ Fuck The Facts
5/09/2014 The Hessian Lair - Richland, WA

Shane Brown - drums
Brandon Caldwell - vocals
Bobby Mansfield - guitar
Talon Yager - bass
Quelle: Earsplit PR

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