SHEAR "Katharsis" studio report part I + II

Finnish female fronted powerhouse SHEAR have released the first 2 episodes of their - Making of "Katharsis" videos you can watch here:



"Katharsis" is set to be released on March 21st in Europe and April 1st in North America!

Check the brand new track "Last Warning" off the forthcoming album here:

The artwork for the new effort was handled by Remko Tielemans, who is also known for his position as bass player in Textures. "Katharsis" was recorded Sound Supreme Studio, Mäkkitie and 5by5 Studio (also mixed) April-October 2013, mastering was handled by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios. As a nice surprise the album is offering a very nice guest appearance by Stratovarious keyboardist Jens Johansson!

The Finnish sextet impresses with a mature and beneficial designed sound, that is catchy and heavy at the same time. Just as important: SHEAR are playing authentic and honest music that is based on deep-seated emotions and a latent slope to great hymns. This is their "Katharsis". The chosen style is of subordinate importance for the effect of the perfectly balanced songs. Metal and rock come to fruition to create a Scandinavian heavy sound with a fresh approach and a convincing self-conception.

Listening to "Katharsis" you will fall in love with the charismatic voice of Alexa Leroux. But keep in mind: SHEAR is more than a female-fronted fairytale. Somewhere in between melodic metal, symphonic power and classical rock the Finns are heading for well-written and "simply“ beautiful music with a unique charm.

Having played in bands such as Omnium Gatherum, Amoral, Crystal Blaze, and Elenium, the members of SHEAR are experienced protagonists of the Finnish metal scene. The band's debut record "Breaking The Stillnes"' was released on LIFEFORCE RECORDS in Spring 2012 and introduced this forward-thinking, modern-styled act to the international heavy scene. “Katharsis” marks an acuminated clarification of the already established trademarks that are typical for SHEAR!

Visit and "like" the band's Facebook page and stay tuned about latest news and live shows.
Quelle: Lifeforce Records

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