GAMMA RAY: Power Metal Icons Unleash New Lyric Video Via Revolver; Empire Of The Undead To Drop This Spring

Today, the perpetrators at Revolver are pleased to premiere the lyric video for "Hellbent," from German power metal icons, GAMMA RAY. The new tune comes by way of the band's long-anticipated new full-length, Empire Of The Undead, set for release this Spring.

A record that almost wasn't, Empire Of The Undead was composed throughout 2013 with Eike Freese (Dark Age) at the mixing desk alongside bassist/co-writer, Dirk Schlächter, and was nearing completion before Hammer Studios, their home, rehearsal space, and meeting point for many metal bands throughout Germany, had burned down leaving much of its contents in ruins. Fortunately, the Empire Of The Undead masters managed to make it through unscathed. "If this could not stop us, nothing ever will," joked light-hearted GAMMA RAY vocalist Kai Hansen, adding that, "We got rid of a lot of shit that we gathered there. Unfortunately, a lot of good equipment as well. Anyhow, we look towards the future, we saved the production and we can continue now in this new place."

Sample triumphant new teaser track, "Hellbent," now playing at Revolver at THIS LOCATION.

Empire Of The Undead will be released in North America on CD, LP and digitally via Armoury Records in conjunction with earMusic on April 15, 2014.

Quelle: Earsplit PR

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