Blackened post-hardcore combo "Anthem Of Sickness" sign to Wormholedeath!!!

Blackened post-hardcore combo A.O.S. (Anthem Of Sickness) signed a deal to Wormholedeath for the release of their debut EP "Through The Eyes Of a Glorious Raven".
The Ep, produced by Bertuz of Underwell, will be available worldwide via all digital shops. The official release date will be announced soon.
To celebrate this great event we really wanted to post a full song online as a preview for this killer music!
The band released the following statement:
"We are proud to begin this collaboration with WormHoleDeath. We are well aware of their work from a long time. It’s an honor to take part of a team like that, for us, people with zero money and zero expectations, just with our music! Worm gave us a chance and we just can’t wait to work hard."
Cover artwork and tracklist are as follows:
1- Midnight Riders
2- Sick
3- The Monster
4- The cage inside these walls
5- Stone cold eyes
6- The voice of God

Wormholedeath's A&R Worm stated: "I am big fan of Bertuz's attitude and musical skills. First, I know him since a long time and I really wanted to support A.O.S. since the band also features Dave and Daniel from Undewell and I couldn't imagine them releasing their side-project through another label, second I love their music, check them out, they are killers for real...
I am sure that A.O.S. will have a follow up, will release an album and will get many fans all over the world. By my side, I am ready to support them!!!"
Please support the band by liking their facebook page:
Quelle: Wormholedeath PR