ANAGNORISIS Releases Video Documentary On The Making Of Beyond All Light

Following the July release of their second full-length Beyond All Light, Louisville black metal quartet ANAGNORISIS this week hosts an in-depth, behind the scenes video documentary on the creation of the layered, tormented album. Featuring tons of hi-def studio footage, interviews and gear talk with all five members and more, the video shows the immense amount of time and planning the band put into the album.

Tune in and check out the video AT THIS LOCATION.
Also stream the entire album at Revolver RIGHT HERE.

Beyond All Light surges with nearly fifty minutes of chaotic and epic sinister black metal showcasing ANAGNORISIS' most layered, technical and most adventurous work to date. The band self-released the album on CD, cassette and digital formats available RIGHT HERE. The LP pressing is in the works to be released later in the year. Stay tuned for more updates on the vinyl, new tour dates and more.

"An album of massive builds, harsh climaxes, and ambitious track lengths, Beyond All Light necessitates a monstrous finale... Where other acts might break the momentum, Anagnorisis simply pile layers beneath the musical heap, with the rhythm section somehow growing ever a bit more malevolent." - Pitchfork

"One of my very favorite black metal albums of 2013... epic, melodic, technically flawless black metal that is somehow also brutal, raw, and kinetic: The whole thing is somehow equal parts Dissection and Nails." - Stereogum

"American black metal is a sprawling continent; a manifest destiny yet to be frozen in place, ossified, and made into a museum piece. It's a thing that moves and lives and breathes and, frankly, doesn't need your recognition. I think Anagnorisis understands this, and it's why Beyond All Light, despite speaking in a familiar language, still sounds boldly new and ultimately vital. 8.5/10" - Last Rites

"... dynamic and absolutely epic, capturing haunting atmospheres and reaching devastating peaks." - Heavy Blog Is Heavy
Quelle: Earsplit PR

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