EVIL BARDS are back!

After a long pause the italian combo "Evil Bards" ( born 1998 ) is coming back with a new line up and a brand new single " The three ways to A"
In the last few years the drummer and mastermind of the band, Rig, as well as bass player and (now) singer Andrea Giovannoni (a.k.a. Rhae) had to pause this project due to others ( Fuoriuso, Strange Wings,Forgotten Tears, All Amort).
"I m very happy, Rig said, to be back finally with this new line up made of great musicians and persons, we are full of energy and new single shows that ! Thats why we decided to put it online for free ... Hope you will enjoy it !"

Evil Bards are :
Rig " The Evil Bard" - drums & backing vocals - 1998 - present ( Fuoriuso, Eternia, Strange Wings, Bardomagus / ex Anhna, Aces, Nihil, Sostanze Musicali, Reecover, Desh, Belzeblues )
Andrea Giovannoni - lead vocals - 2001 - present ( 2001-2006 bass & backing vocals, 2007-2008 bass, guitars, vocals, keys as Rhae) ( All Amort, Forgotten Tears / ex Arkenemy)
Mat Scariolo - guitars & backing vocals - 2003 ; 2012 - present ( Eternia,Strange Wings / ex Hangman, Darkness falls)
Marco "Snake" Verrecchia - bass & backing vocals - 2012 - present ( Eternia, Strange Wings / ex Delirium Tremens - with members of Node and Mystere De Notre Dame -, Mad Dog, White Angel )
Lele Triton - piano & keys, backing vocals - 2012 - present ( Highlord, Strange Wings, Egart )


Evil Bards - The Three Ways to A (single 2013)


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Quelle: Rig Ateboduus


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