O.R.k. - neue Single "Blast of Silence"

O.R.k. kick off a fresh wave of activity today with their new single ‘Blast of Silence’.

The first in a series of upcoming releases, ‘Blast of Silence’ draws on the heavier side of the band’s sonic identity, showcasing singer Lef’s powerful vocals at the forefront. An ambiguous, twisted ode to hidden depths and undiscovered possibilities, ‘Blast of Silence’ is accompanied by a stunning music video created by Lef.

04.10. O.R.k. – "Blast of Silence" (Kscope/Edel)

Pre-Save: https://linktr.ee/orkband

“I consider that video a journey of self-discovery where an unforeseen strength emerges from within” the singer says. “I've always had a deep admiration for those who, in the face of overwhelming odds, manage to confront both external challenges and inner demons with unwavering determination. It's truly remarkable how, even when everything seems set against them, they find the strength to persevere, overcome, and ultimately succeed.”

With the new single, guitarist Carmelo Pipitone demonstrates his ability to weave unique, expressive and memorable parts throughout, whilst Pat Mastelotto and Colin Edwin match the dynamism with both sensitivity and force on drums and bass respectively. The result is a captivating first bite at the upcoming and as yet un-named fifth album. Speaking about the new material, bassist Colin says “There’s no "filler" on O.R.k. albums, and in the past, we've often struggled to pick out or agree on the best tracks to highlight as singles. Subsequently we've often felt that certain album tracks don't always get the attention they deserve. Taking the time to allow some focus on each song as they emerge should allow for a better experience all round."

“Our songs lay us bare, showing exactly who we are. We often tuck personal messages into the lyrics—words that might be a bit tricky to suss out. But that’s alright, because it’s the music that really carries the weight of our emotions.” – Lef
Spontaneous yet intricately crafted, 2022’s Screamnasium was widely regarded as O.R.k’s most essential album to date - “the sound of O.R.k becomes a vessel of beauty”
The new single ‘Blast of Silence’ is the first in a series of upcoming O.R.k releases with a new album expected in 2025. Stay tuned for more info.

O.R.k. are:
Lorenzo Esposito Fornasari a.k.a LEF - lead vocals
Pat Mastelotto – drums
Colin Edwin – bass
Carmelo Pipitone – guitars

Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media

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